1- ظرف الزمان :- أمثله: He
last his pen yesterday
– We will go there tomorrow
الكلمات الداله أو المستخدمه فى ظرف
الزمان هى كالأتى:-
Yesterday, Tomorrow, Soon, When, Now, Before, After, Since, Already,
زمـــن .
2- ظرف المكــان :- أمثله: He will go
there – His brother is
الكلمات الداله أو المستخدمه فى ظرف
الزمان هى كالأتى :-
A way,
Over, Down, Up, Out, (in ` at ` on) أى كلمه أو حرف الجر الدال على المكان
3- ظــرف الحـــال :- أمثله: He
walks slowly -- I
will go quickly
الكلمات الداله أو المستخدمه فى ظرف الحال تتكون من إضافة (ly) إلى الصفه كما سبق ذكره.
4- ظــروف التكــرار :- أمثلتها: I
always go to
work early
الكلمات الداله أو المستخدمه فى ظرف التكرار كالأتى:- Always, Usually, Often
Frequently, Sometimes, Occasionally, Rarely, Seldom…)
** ترتيب الطروف فى الجمله كالأتى:- الزمانtime -3 المكان place -2
(الحال)الكيفيهmanner -1
(3) (2) (1)
He spoke well at the meeting
this morning.
ملاحظه :-
يمكن أن يأتى ظرف الزمان فى
بداية الجمله للتأكيد .
ملاحظه :-
تأتى ظروف التكرار قبل الأفعال
الرئيسية . مثال
The sun always sets
in the west --- He
usually goes home
at 9:00
وايضاً تأتى ظروف التكرار بعد الأفعال المساعده . مثال
are usually late
on Friday to
help -– He has just
I am
always ready to
إذا أتت الظروف الأتيه فى أول
الجمله حينئذ يأتى الفعل المساعد قبل الفاعل:-
(Never, Seldom, Rarely, Not only) Not
only does he
play tennis
football as well --- Never have I
heard of
such a story.
reposition After
After Verbs
Full of
Approve of
Fired of
Accuse of
Afraid of
Consist of
Ignorant of
Die of
Conscious of
Complain of
Ashamed of
Show of
Sure of
Despair of
Proud of
Beware of
Innocent of
Take care
Guilt of
Wait for
Free of
Ask for
Capable of
Speak for
Responsible of / for
Look for
Fit for
Leave for
Ready for
Sail for
Bad for
Mistake for
Good for
Beg for
Anxious for
Cry for
Clever at
Laugh at
Angry at
Arrive at
Alarmed at
Aim at
Disgusted at
Throw at
Annoyed at
Rejoice at
Skilful at
Mock at
Good at
Land at
Disgusted with
Compare with
Satisfied with
Sympathize with
Acquainted with
Dispense with
Pleased with
Angry with
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